Types of computertypes of computer

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  • Types of Computers :-

A computer is one of the bright creations of mankind. Computers perform a vast range of functions. Some computers are so powerful that hundreds or even thousands of users can use them at a single instant. Computers have different types of capabilities and are of different sizes. Classification of computer is based on the usage, speed, and size of computers. There are four main types of computers, namely microcomputer, minicomputer, mainframes, and Supercomputer.

Figure 1.1 shows the hierarchical classification of the computes

Figure 1.1 Hierarchical Classifications of the Computers


  • Microcomputer

Microcomputer, also known as a personal computer is a digital computer that works on a microprocessor. Microcomputers are small machines designed for individual users. Average people who have a basic knowledge of computers can use microcomputers. Individuals in homes and offices are the major users of the microcomputer. It is an inexpensive computer that performs tasks such as word processing, desktop publishing, and accounting. It is also useful for running spreadsheets and database management applications.

Microcomputers are widely used for entertainment purposes as well as for playing games, listening music, and watching movies. The microcomputer is also widely used to access the internet.

Examples of microcomputer are IBM PC Analog I/O Cards, Panel PC, eBox-Embedded Pc Series etc.

Figure 1.2 shows a microcomputer.




  1. Small Size
  2. Low Cost
  3. Portable
  • Minicomputer

Minicomputer is a midsized multiprocessing and multi-user computer. Multiprocessing is the process of running multiple programs or processes at a given time. The minicomputer is a medium range computer. It is also known as the mid-range server. Minicomputers fall in between the microcomputers and the mainframes. It is used in business organizations for the maintenance of accounts and finance data and applications. Minicomputers are more powerful and it is compatible with microcomputer.


  1. Low cost

Minicomputers are ideal for small-sized companies, in the manufacturing processes, and scientific research. As compared to microcomputer, they are large. Examples of Minicomputer are a Open Mini PC, Fit-PC, MSI PC etc.

Figure 1.3 shows a minicomputer.

Figure 1.3- Minicomputer

  • Mainframes

Initially, mainframes were huge computer occupying entire rooms or floors.

Mainframes were used to serve as the center of large systems in companies.

They were designed to serve the purpose of centralized computing instead of the distributed computing. With the development in the field of computing, the size of mainframes has reduced and the processing efficiency has increased.

They now serve distributed users and small servers in as computing network. They are also known as enterprise servers. Mainframes are very large and expensive computers. Thousands of people can use a mainframe at a time. It can process millions of transactions every day.


  1. Larger Memory

Mainframes are widely used in large companies worldwide. Mainframes are widely used in government organizations. Example of Mainframe computer is IBM System z10 Mainframes.

Figure 1.4 shows a mainframe computer

Figure 1.4-Mainframe

  • Supercomputer

Supercomputer is the fastest and most expensive type of computer. Supercomputers

Specialize in high-speed processing of data. Applications that use large amounts of calculations use supercomputers. Some of these applications are molecular

Chemistry, nuclear research, weather reports, and advanced physics.

Supercomputer can be a single or multiple computer system. In Multiple computer system, a supercomputer consists of several computers that work in parallel as a single system. The advantage of supercomputer is their speed, which is unmatched by any other type of computer. A major disadvantage of supercomputers is that they generate a large amount of heat during their operation. Hence, it is important to use effective cooling solutions. Also, a supercomputer tends to specialize in numerical applications such as mathematical calculations used for weather forecast and it does not perform as well on other applications. Examples of supercomputer are Cray jaguar, IBM Roadrunner, IBM NORC etc.

Figure 1.5 shows a supercomputer

Figure 1.5-Supercomputer

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