Computer Introductioncomputer ki basic knowledge

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Basic working of computer

Introduction: – Computer is an integral part of everyday life. Computer Processes the date according to the set of instructions and performs a specific task using its various applications such as word processing, spreadsheet, database, graphics, and Web browsers. Computer has a basic structure that includes various units such as input, output, storage and processing device to perform arithmetic and logical operations. There are several components of a personal computer (PC). The internal components of a PC include CPU, Motherboard, RAM, Storage devices and Power supply to perform various functions.

Electricity is a form of energy with the flow of electrons and protons. The flow of electrons and protons results in an electrical charge which is known as the current. It is not possible to have a current flow without voltage. Voltage is the difference between the two terminals. The current that flows across the circuit can be alternating or direct current.

Further, we will see the use of AC and DC and their requirements in computers along with the advantages and disadvantages of AC and DC.

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(Basic Structure of Computer)

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