Application of computerapplication of compute data base

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Applications of computer:-

The computer can be used to perform various tasks. Application programs are meant to complete the specialized tasks assigned by the set of instructions given to the computer. Application of computer consists Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Database, Graphics, Web browsers, Games etc.

1.1 Word Processing

Word processing is the most widely used computer application which is used to create, edit and print documents using the Computer program known as Word Processor. A Word processor is also known as a document preparation system that is used to create a document and save documents. We can modify and format the document by using the Characters from the keyboard and print the document. The most commonly used Word processors are Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, and lotus WordPro. In the past generation, people used typewriters to create any type of document. Word processing is one of the applications that have overcome various changes over typewriters. Word Processing includes many features such as inserting and deleting the text, cut and paste feature that allow removing the from a document and paste in another document. We can move the text from one place to another within a document. We can correct the spelling of words, punctuation, and syntax using the Spell checker. After formatting the document, Word Processor can print the document.

1.2 Spreadsheet

A spreadsheet is a computer application that represents as table consisting of cell i.e., rows and columns. Each cell includes data such as alphanumeric text or numeric values. With the use of spreadsheets, we can perform multiple calculations by assigning formulas to these cells.

Spreadsheets are used for financial information like budgets, financial statements, grade sheets, and sals records. The most commonly used spreadsheets are MS Excel, Lotus 1-1-3 Quattro Pro, and Open office. org i.e. open calc.

1.3 Database

A database is a collection of data in an organized manner by managing, rearranging, and adding the information. It can be represented as a list that includes numbers and words, such as addresses and phone numbers and inventories. We can sort the data by name, city postal code or any particular item of information recorded in a database. We can create forms to enter or update the data. It also allows users to create reports that Display the data. The most commonly used databases are MS Access, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL etc.

1.4 Graphics

Graphics are the computer application that deals with pictures, i.e, Static, moving, flat or 3D. In simple terms, Graphics are the images that are created by visualization which a computer displays with your text. There is a wide variety of different formats for images in the word. Adobe Photoshop is the most commonly used graphics program for professionals.

1.5 Web browsers

A web browser is a computer application used for retrieving, presenting and traversing information by navigating the World Wide Web. A browser displays web pages, and keeps track of the visited sites.

The Internet is the most commonly used browser in our day-to-day life. It helps us to buy books, check bank details, ticket reservation, even order any product.

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(Types of Computers)

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